During the aftermath of the derecho last month, many had lost power and access to internet. While most had power restored by the start of the fall semester, many students are still without internet.
With most classes being held online, both completely and partially, it has become difficult for those who signed up for classes and are still without internet. While Kirkwood does provide rooms for students to have Zoom classes and work on assignments, many don’t want to risk coming to campus as cases of COVID-19 have increased since schools and colleges reopened.
This led to students going to family or friends’ homes in order to continue learning and trying to lower their risk as much as possible. While driving to a family member’s house isn’t too much of a hassle, not all families live close to each other. And, there’s the inconvenience of being at another person’s house for hours at a time, not just for the class time itself, but also for the amount of time it takes to complete homework. Also, it can feel like an inconvenience to those in the house, even though they’re fine with it and show their support.
Many other students have chosen to drive to Starbucks or McDonald’s parking lots for free Wi-Fi; however, for some students, it’s easier to work and focus at their own desk or kitchen table. What’s frustrating is that many don’t know when they’re getting internet back, even though it’s been well over a month.
Internet providers are working on restoring internet to their customers; however, they too have been affected by the storm. While it’s okay to call to be updated about the situation, remember they are trying their best as our city is still recovering. In many cases, they’re waiting for cleanup in certain areas so they’re able to work on restoring internet. For now, all we can do is wait. And, use other alternatives such as going to the Rec Center parking lot where the Kirkwood Wi-Fi is strong, finding a place in the library, using Kirkwood’s hotspots, going to a family member or friend’s house, or using the McDonald’s parking lot.

Outreach Coordinator | Distribution Manager
Categories: Editorials, Opinion