Christmas is the time of year that my mom goes all out. She gets out all her decorations, every single ornament she has is on the tree, and I get a stocking filled with various items and candy. Since she got married, her husband has started a new tradition of stuffing the stockings with an orange and an apple which is what his family did. While my man’s family gets together and we share a big meal, open presents, and catch up on what we missed with everyone’s lives. I also make treats for everyone as well. This year will be quieter, but I’d rather be safe this year so next year I can have two Christmases again and make some new tasty treats to share.
Shannon Poitras, Staff Writer
December to me is a time of peace after all the struggles of the year. Nowadays for gifts, me and my siblings would get money and the stockings will have snacks and essential supplies (toothbrushes and other hygienic products, clothing, and restaurant/miscellaneous gift cards). The presents don’t matter much to me, because having that time to relax without academic pressures is a hallmark of the holiday season which is always worth celebrating.
Chris Klepach, Staff Writer
My favorite thing about this time of the year is spending time with my family. I’m sure that I say that a lot but that is what is important to me. I love watching movies with my younger cousins and getting hugs from them and hearing about what they are learning in school. I also love going to church on Christmas Eve. I enjoy walking my dog as snow falls; everything is peaceful and still.
Jessica McWilliams, Managing Editor
Christmas is my favorite time of year because it’s the time when my family intentionally comes together to celebrate Jesus and each other! My favorite family tradition is receiving a special ornament from my mom every year. The ornament typically represents something that we did that year that was important to us. My favorite ornaments that I have received is a cowgirl hat, a flute, and my first ornament, a goose.
Chloe Gray, Creative Director
There is a lot about this season I love. The decorating, the music, wrapping presents are all what makes this time of year so much fun. My favorite tradition happens on Christmas Eve. My family goes to Christmas Eve mass, then afterwards, meet my grandparents at The Three Samurai, a Japanese restaurant that serves delicious sushi. When we get home, my brother and I open one present each (it’s always pajamas), a tradition from my mother’s side of the family. On Christmas, my grandparents come over and we spend the day opening gifts to the sounds of Christmas music, watch Christmas movies, and play games. My dad always prepares a special Christmas Day breakfast we eat after opening presents. It’s a time focused on family, which is what makes it so special.
Laura Hoff, Copy Editor
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