Below is a list of community resources that could be useful throughout the duration of the pandemic and beyond.
For Food Support:
CommUnity Food Bank (formerly The Crisis Center) of Johnson County
1121 S. Gilbert Court, Iowa City
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 12:00-4:30pm
Tuesday: 12:00-7:00pm
Wednesday: 12:00-4:30pm
Thursday: 9:30am-4:30pm
Friday: 12:00-4:30pm
Providing pre-bagged food only with modified check-in and food pick-up stations.
Call 319-519-6165 between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday to request food delivery. Food delivery is available to anyone living in Johnson County who needs food but cannot access resources due to COVID-19. Delivery will happen within 48 hours.
*Contents of the pre-packed bags are based on what is available.
Iowa City Compassion Food Pantry
1035 Wade St., Iowa City
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 12:00-6:30pm
Wednesday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Thursday: 12:00-6:30pm
Providing pre-boxed food only distributed at the front desk.
If you are unable to come to the food pantry or showing signs of illness, contact the Food Pantry for delivery.
Salvation Army Food Shelf
1116 S Gilbert Court, Iowa City
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday: 1:00-2:00pm
Providing prepackaged food boxes. Pick-up site is the soup kitchen door.
Dinners available from 5:00-5:45pm Monday through Friday as “grab and go.”
Coralville Food Pantry
1002 5th Street, Coralville
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday: 2:00-6:00pm
Wednesday: 5:00-7:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am-Noon
Saturday: 10:30am-1:00pm
Food assistance services are available to Coralville and Tiffin residents. Must show a driver’s license to verify residency.
Providing pre-packaged bags of food staples including milk, rice, beans, soup, pasta, canned fruits and vegetables, cereal, snacks, fresh produce, bread, pastries, pet food, and 3 protein items.
Drive-up or walk-up service available with little contact with volunteers.
For at-risk and quarantine patrons, please call 319-337-3663 any day of the week between 9:00am-Noon to schedule a weekly food delivery.
Iowa City Community School District Student Grab and Go Meals
For students with children ages 1 to 18, the ICCSD will provide Grab & Go meal sites through the community. Meals are free and children are not required to accompany parents/guardians/caretakers for pick-up. While not required, adults will be asked to share the name of the school where their child attends. The Identified school does not have to be in the Iowa City Community School District.
For Transportation
Iowa City Transit has temporarily suspended fares and is requiring passengers to board through the back door (unless mobility issues require front boarding.) Drivers have been cordoned off from the rest of the bus to ensure adequate social distancing. Pleas respect the boundary to ensure the health and safety of the drivers.
Effective Monday, March 30th, Iowa City Transit will make temporary changes to its weekday service, including ending weekday service at 8:00pm, and providing hourly service on most routes using Saturday routes and schedules. Three “weekday” routes will also be added during peak times.
Due to this service reduction, Google Maps/Google Transit may take several weeks to reflect the updated schedule, but the Transit App and Bongo should reflect the updated routes as of Monday, March 30th.
Please visit or call 319-356-5151 for the most updated information on, or to access the current transit schedule.
City of Coralville Transitis not collecting fares, and riders should board and exit the bus using the read doors.
The last Night bus will depart from the downtown Iowa City interchange at 9:10pm with service ending at 10:00pm.
The North Liberty route will not be operating until further notice.
Beginning Saturday, April 4th, the last Saturday bus will depart from the downtown Iowa City interchange at 5:15pm with service ending at 6:00pm.
Please visit for more information regarding the Coralville Transit.
For Housing and Utility Assistance: for Johnson County:
Shelter House, Iowa City:
429 Southgate, Iowa City 52240
Due to social distancing, Shelter House is currently limited to half of its normal capacity. They have released funding to secure up to 15 hotel rooms for 30 days. For information regarding space please call the number listed above.
Shelter House’s Rapid Re-Housing program provides financial assistance (deposit and rent) to individuals and families immediately. Call 319-338-5416 ext. 211 for details and assistance.
Domestic Violence Intervention Program:
Anyone who needs help can call their hotline at 1-800-373-1043 where they are taking calls 24/7. The program announced several changes that will be in effect until April 13.
For Emotional Support and Crisis Intervention:
For a list of local and national support networks:
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP):
Physical office is closed at this time, but services are still present as RVAP is working remotely.
Continued emergency crisis response to local hospitals and law enforcement offices, in-person and later virtually.
Continued response to emails, answering calls as well as work on supporting the community through remote meeting options i.e. phone, Skype or Zoom.
If you have previously worked with an RVAP advocate, or need to get in touch with a specific advocate, please call the 24-hour crisis hotline and ask to speak with your advocate.
For immediate support, call the 24-hour support line 319-335-6000 or 800-228-1625.
Categories: Local News, News