
Follow up: Add a nurse’s office on campus

In the Nov. 16, 2023, issue of the Communique, the staff editorial addressed the concern of not having a nurse available on campus. 

After a response was sent to us, stating the article suggested the college did not offer any services, we would like clarify. 

Our point was to share a concern that Kirkwood does not currently provide an on-campus nurse to help with minor issues students and employees face throughout the day. 

According the to the college’s website, “For students needing non-emergency medical attention, Kirkwood Student Health Services are offered at the MercyCare Prairie Creek clinic in Cedar Rapids. Kirkwood also works with area health providers to offer students comprehensive care, referrals, and resources.”

MercyCare Prairie Creek clinic is located next to The Hotel, which is a quick three-minute drive for students who have transportation and an approximate 15-minute walk from Iowa Hall for those without. In either case, it is not convenient for a student who might need ibuprofen, a bandage, a cough drop or a temperature check in between classes.

While we appreciate the effort of the college partnering with a nearby clinic, we still believe having a nurse on campus to assist with minor illnesses and daily needs would be a great benefit to students and employees. 

Categories: Opinion