When deciding which building is Kirkwood’s finest, there are a few categories to consider.
Which building is the best aesthetically pleasing? One might say Cedar Hall with its beautiful, naturally illuminated atrium and persistent harmonies humming housing the musically oriented classes.
Which building is the most functional? One might say that Iowa Hall is the most functional, with its cafe and event rooms. Maybe Benton is the most functional, as it is home to the Library.
These are all good answers, but there is only one correct answer to this question. Kirkwood’s best building is Linn Hall. Linn Hall is the one building that combines, looks, functionality and feeling to create the best experience for students.
It has the widest range of types of students within its walls. There are nursing, dental, math, science and digital media classes. There is a media production studio and the Communique operates out of Linn Hall.
The versatile nature of Linn Hall brings almost every type of student together. It is fitting that Linn Hall houses a giant globe, almost signifying the diverse range of classes held within it. To add to this, it is a masterpiece of architecture. The brick walls and the skylight windows add so much depth to the aesthetics of this hall. Linn Hall is three floors of pure beauty.
Picture this scenario: You are a freshman, just out of high school. You are coming to Kirkwood for your first day of college. As you make your way to campus, you see thousands of cars occupying seemingly every parking spot in sight. You find yourself getting nervous, that you might be late for your very first class, which starts promptly at 10:10 a.m., for some reason.
You finally find a spot in the back of the parking lot. Your nerves are on fire, trying to rush to your class. Finally, you walk through the front entrance, and all of your anxieties melt away. The sun is shining through from the skylights onto the giant globular. You know right then and there that your time at Kirkwood will be a good one.

Staff Writer
Max is a staff writer majoring in the Digital Arts Program. He also serves as a producer in Kirkwood Student Productions and plans to work in the video industry after college.
Categories: Opinion