
We are the home of the Eagles: Students need to rally around each other again

After a year of online classes and little to no spectators at college sports, the spirit at Kirkwood Community College has seemed to diminish. Nearly halfway into the fall semester, college spirit hasn’t taken as strong a shape as be- fore the pandemic.

With school back in session and the hallways filled with busy students again it seems like something is missing after all this time apart, something that unifies us. Our school spirit, our sense of togetherness is missing. Instead of seeing ourselves as Kirkwood, we see ourselves as individuals. However, all together we are Kirkwood Community College, the proud home of the Eagles.

Sadly, it seems that we are losing our connection to one another during this difficult time — a time when we need something to put our collective faith behind.

As a staff, we are calling Kirkwood students to take their pride and ambition and show how proud they are to be an Eagle. Fall sporting events are happening now and the complete schedule is on the college’s website.

Not only can school spirit fun and exciting to get involved with, but it also helps students improve academically. According to the Connecticut Association of Schools, “Students with school spirit do more than show support for their school. They perform better academically, are more socially and civically engaged and are happier in general than theirless-spirited peers.”

After more than a year ofnot being together and another year of COVID-19 looming at our doorsteps students need to support each other more than ever.

So, make a plan to attend fall sporting events like softball and baseball. And, men’s and women’s basketball will be starting soon. Next time you come to campus, dawn your Eagle gear and show us how proud you are to be an Eagle.

Categories: Opinion, Staff Editorials