
Intramurals include more than traditional sports

One way to get involved in the Kirkwood community and meet new people is through intramurals.  

“Intramurals are events/activities more sporting events, just to kind of have some fun, get involved and have a chance to prove you’re the best at Kirkwood,” stated Kirkwood Rec Center Supervisor Brett Baumgart.  

There are over 40 different events that students can participate in, and some are not tied to athletics, such as rock paper scissors. “Easiest way to sign up for them is by downloading the Kirkwood rec app, it makes it easier and has the events website with the student life activities and intramurals,” said Baumgart.  

If students do happen to prove they are the best, they can get a Kirkwood intramural champions shirt and there is also an award they can win at the end of the year for participating in the most activities or just being a good sport in general because that is what it is all about, according to Baumgart.  

Kirkwood student and intramural participant Eli Malicoat said, “Getting to relive my glory days as a high school athlete is my favorite part about intramurals.”  

Malicoat added, “Signing up was very easy, the MyHub app along with the intramural website made it a very simple process.”  

Baumgart said he is looking to add some new events every year, such as slow-pitch home run derby and a co-ed flag football league. “The biggest thing is to just stay up to date with your MyHub app. If there is something you want to be an intramural that is not one right now just let me know and I can try my best to make it happen,” stated Baumgart.  

Intramurals are open for anyone in the Kirkwood community to join and participate in.

Categories: Sports