Art & Life

The 5th Realm: It’s spooky time

The 5th Realm
The 5th Realm Owner Chris Moore and Production Manager Autumn Arnold, a Kirk- wood alum stand at the entrance of the haunted attraction on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. PHOTO BY JESSICA MCWILLIAMS

As the group walked through the asylum they were stopped by a hysterical nurse mumbling that she said not to let anyone in. As they continued through the asy- lum they ended up in a padded room.

There was a lady in the room with dolls and a baby who wanted to have a tea party. She insisted that the baby was alive and that she was his mother.

When they finally got out to the courtyard they found the gar- dener yelling at them to get out and stay out.

One of the final rooms they entered was the Morgue where an inmate had a hand on his face and was playing with intestines and other organs.

When they finally escaped the insane asylum they were re- lived. They were entertained throughout the adventure but also had a sense of fear.

The 5th Realm, a haunted house in Cedar Rapids, has a new take on the haunted house idea and is only open for the season.

They offer a scary yet creative ap- proach to the haunted house.

The haunt is completely in- doors so you don’t have to worry about bad weather. The haunt is the only one in city limits, and is ADA accessible.

“The superstition of disbe- lief is important to us, we want to entertain you as much as scare you,” said co-owner Chris Moore.

Not only do the owners strive for great acting, but they also put a lot of time into the movie level set design and layout of the attraction.

“We strive for an immersive interactive show, and we want you to forget where you are,” said Moore.

While the 5th Realm has been open for four seasons, it has a new layout. The new layout is a maze spanning about 5,000 square feet in length.

“We are more of a theatri- cal show and want our guests to go through a range of emotions,” said Moore.

The 5th Realm also requires that groups are not placed in other groups and the max group size is six people.


Lindale Mall

4444 1st AVE NE, Suite 0001

Cedar Rapids

For times and tickets:

Image courtesy of Jessica McWilliams

Categories: Art & Life