Club Corner

Pride Club offers support, awareness of LGBTQ+ issues

Can you tell us about how this club got started? There was a need for a safe space and community for LGBTQ+ folks here at Kirkwood and many issues facing us LGBTQ+ folks here so we decided to group up and discuss these issues. We also have a webpage with resources: 

What is the purpose of the club? The purpose of the club is to provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ students and raise awareness of the issues we face as a community. 

When and where do you meet? We meet in 2030 Iowa Hall. You’ll know us by the giant pride flags, bright rainbow lights, and the most colorful room in the entire building. 

What are some benefits of joining? You’ll get to meet tons of wonderful people, learn how to effectively support marginalized groups in your community, and even learn a lot about yourself! 

How can students join? Main Campus: Contact professor Eliot Blake or any one of the leaders, or just pop your head into the room and ask. Meetings are Tuesday during Activity Hour, 11:15 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. 

Students can also email  for inquiries. That’s probably the first place to start if you can’t swing by the Pride Lounge. 

KRCUI: Professor Malone leads a Pride group, called Unity, on the Coralville campus. They meet Fridays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in room 314, at 2301 Oakdale Boulevard in Coralville. Prof. Malone can be reached at 

Who is part of the leadership? Join the discord servers using the QR codes on our bulletin board within the room for a comprehensive list. Anyone with the Council role is part of the Council. 

How long has the club been around? The Iowa City group started in 1999, and the Cedar Rapids group started soon after. 

Do you have plans for any upcoming events? We are, in fact, planning a Bake sale to raise money for the club. There’s also talks about a clothing drive to help out disadvantaged folks. 

Is there anything you would like to add? Trans rights are human rights. Be kind, and leave the world better than you found it. 

Information provided by Kirkwood student Rowan Kelsen; Eliot Blake, Cedar Rapids club advisor and Bridget Malone, Coralville club advisor.  

Categories: Club Corner, Feature