As the snow melts, thoughts of warmer days penetrate the minds of students and they may be thinking about the next season – getting summer clothes out of the back of the closet, seeing if bathing suits still fit and planning outdoor activities again.
For students returning to Kirkwood, this time of year also means getting ready to register for the upcoming semesters.
Priority registration for Summer and Fall 2022 semesters begins the week of Monday, April 4, and concludes Friday, April 8. Each day is broken down by the number of hours students have earned hours toward their degree, with highest priority going to those having successfully completed the most hours.
Students without an assigned priority may begin registration at 2 p.m., Friday, April 8.
If students are unsure of when they are eligible to register, they are encouraged to contact enrollment@kirkwood.edu for an assignment time based on previously completed credit hours.
Now is the best time to review your transcript, your chosen degree and progress toward degree. If you have decided to change your degree, you need to contact your assigned academic advisor as soon as possible to be reassigned to the department in which you are choosing to transfer. As would be expected, all department academic advisors have less open time in their schedules as we approach the priority registration period.
According to MyHub, all students should consider making appointments with their academic advisor to make sure they are making progress toward their personal academic goals. Students may have received email communication already, but if they have not, the college recommends reaching out to make an appointment so they are ready when their priority registration day comes.
- Students without an assigned priority may begin registration at 2 p.m., Friday, April 8.
- Returning students can email enrollment@kirkwood.edu for a priority registration assignment based on their previously completed credits.

Categories: Campus News, News