A firefighter checks under the hood of a burning car at CITA Kirkwood's Fire School on Sept. 21, 2019. PHOTO BY JEFF SIGMUND
A firefighter works to open the hood of an SUV that was set on fire for students to train on putting out vehicle fires. PHOTO BY JEFF SIGMUND
A student learns repelling as a part of the Rope Rescue course one of many offered during Kirkwood's Fire School. PHOTO BY JEFF SIGMUND
Firefighters make their way up and onto the Structure Simulator trailer during training at the 33rd CITA Kirkwood Fire School. PHOTO BY JEFF SIGMUND
Fireworks fly from a vehicle as the airbag explodes as firefighters apply water to it as part of their training at Kirkwood's Continuing Education facilities on Sept. 21-22, 2019. PHOTO BY JEFF SIGMUND
Fire helmets that have been through flashover training, the blackened ones represent ones that were closest to the heat. PHOTO BY JEFF SIGMUND