
Acts of kindness make a difference

The 21st Century is actively changing and shaping the world, some of these changes include wars, negativity and other hardships everyone faces. To help get everyone through these times and make the world more positive, use acts of kindness. 

In college life, students often get flustered with assignments, time management and schedules. This may mean that they aren’t always able to make time for the enjoyable things in life, such as spending time with friends, family, etc. 

Sometimes, this causes stress, anxiety and even depression. Although some of those things are unavoidable, here are some acts of kindness that may help your peers or the people around you through these times.  

One simple act of kindness that can be completed daily is checking up on those around you. If you see a classmate, friend or a coworker, simply ask them how they are doing. 

This can brighten their day more than you realize. Just because it is called “small talk” doesn’t mean that the impact is small. Another act of kindness is giving out compliments. This can be about someone’s appearance such as clothes, shoes or makeup. Compliments can make a difference in someone’s day.  

There are people all around college campuses, which means you have nearly unlimited opportunities to be kind. Before starting out the day, write sticky-notes that have words of positivity and encouragement. These may include phrases such as, “you matter,” “you are loved,” “you look great today,” “you are awesome” and others.  

If you don’t feel confident enough to speak to someone directly, there are always other ways to show kindness. 

Leave positivity notes around classrooms for students to find, bring flowers for someone to find or hold the door for someone and smile.  

If you’re out in public, there are also more ways to spread kindness. Offer to walk your neighbor’s or friend’s dog, clean up trash you see on the ground or even donate to charity.  

There are plenty of ways to make the world brighter and happier. Being kind is a simple and effective way to spread positivity make the world a better place.  

Categories: Opinion