Families and friends gather every year to celebrate not only the pilgrims who began to thrive in America but to recognize and account for all of the blessings which they have in their lives. Although this unifying intention was the reason which the government made the celebration a national holiday in 1863, in today’s American society, it seems as many people cannot find much to be thankful for.
This is found in people who constantly complain, violent acts, and/or people who believe that they are not capable of doing great things due to lack of resources. By observing and learning about what problems other countries are currently facing, you can see by living in America, you have about everything to be thankful for.
In Hong Kong, China, protesters are fighting to keep their rights. Currently, the pro-democracy protestors are in the streets launching petrol bombs and police are firing live bullets. In Delhi, India, residents are facing the worst pollution on earth. The air pollution is so severe that breathing in the air has been compared to smoking 50 cigarettes a day. This has led to schools and flights being canceled and according to vox.com, 2.5 million deaths were caused by air pollution.
In Niger, only about 19% of adults are literate. Although every child from seven to 15 years old is required to attend school, it is found that less than half of young girls were enrolled. The effects of this problem result in a significant amount of poverty, violence, and disease. In Venezuela, they are currently facing the worst hyperinflation in history and their minimum wage is only $20 per month. In North Korea, you will not find any independent journalists for they can not release any idea or information which would contradict their government. Therefore, all of the information that the North Koreans hear, is censored by the government. By using this tactic of controlling people’s ideas, a majority of North Koreans will sacrifice themselves for their leader.
By looking at what other countries challenges and hardships are, we as Americans consider if parts of our lives that we may take for granted, are greater gifts than we may have once thought of before. As the pilgrims gave thanks for their success and blessings on the first Thanksgiving, I encourage everyone to consider and count all of the blessings that you have this upcoming holiday.
Categories: Editorials, Opinion