Art & Life

April is Stress Awareness Month, organizations on campus looking to help

Stress graphic

As students walk through Linn Hall, there are bulletin boards that hold many posters of information. Some of them about meetings that happen weekly, some of them about groups to join.  

This month is Stress Awareness Month and two posters have messages: Take care of yourself and others, and join the meeting to learn how. Not everyone in life has a good support group and not everyone knows how to take care of themselves or others. Student groups at Kirkwood are offering a safe place to land and learn. 

One of the posters offers to help with anxiety. The poster simply describes that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States and affects 40 million adults from ages 18-older. 

 It is seen as a treatable condition but many don’t take the opportunity to get help. In fact, the poster states only 33 percent of individuals get help to deal with anxiety.  

The next poster is about the “Green Bandana Project.” The purpose of this is to create awareness of resources for those who have symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts.  

This program will provide a stigma free and supportive environment to those who need to talk it out, or who need support with this issue. Both depression and suicide are very serious issues that need to be handled gently.  

According to, the reason students have a high depression rate is because “they lack sleep, they have poor eating habits, and don’t always get enough exercise” (Kerr, 2017).  

The resources will train people to look for signs and symptoms, how to respond effectively and refer them to resources on our Kirkwood Campus. The final date for this training is Wednesday, April 13. Students do not have to pre-register – rather visit and look for the Green Bandana link, or contact for questions.

A few options students may consider to destress: 

  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep daily
  • Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and less processed items
  • Schedule out 30-60 minutes of exercise daily
  • Organize a study group with friends
  • Find local events to attend that help build a positive environment
Image courtesy of Contributed

Categories: Art & Life